- Where can I get this game?
The client-end is a java applet, which means you don't need anything
except your own web browser! That's right! No pesky downloads or installation!
- How much does it cost?
Nothing! It's absolutely and completely free!
- What is a "MUD"?
Some say it's a Multi-User Dungeon, others
that it's a Multi-User Dimension, and some
even claim that it's a Mauve Ugly Duck.
However, most agree it's an online world
populated by strange virtual entities known
only as "players".
- What is the meaning of "UR"?
1. Ur = ancient sumerian city
2. Ur = your, as in the players'
- Can I use zMud instead of your applet?
No, you can't. It wouldn't do you much good anyway, since we don't
allow bots, triggers or multiplaying. If there's something else you want,
suggest it.
- I'm stuck behind a firewall, what can I do?
The urmud client needs to talk to port 7009, on urmud.gamedruid.com. You need
to open that port, if you can't then you have a problem. We've got plans to
add a proxy server so those poor souls can connect, but it might be a while.
- Are there categories of people in the Mud (like farmers, hunters,
merchants, etc?
UrMud doesn't try to categorize people into exact "classes" or "jobs".
Your own actions decide what you are, not some piece of code.
- What if I have a question not listed here?
We want to hear it!
You can reach us through our Contact Page.
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